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13 February 2013

The 14th of February

Greetings, friends, acquaintances, family, strangers, pets and lovers (ha hhhaaaa.....). In a couple of hours, we are ripping off that page in our post-it note calendars that says the 13th and welcoming the dawn of the 14th. 
Valentines day.

I did some drawings for the day, as I really.. really wanted too. Here! Look at them!

If the picture isn't particularly clear, I have a personal opinion of valentines day. Many people find it a "holiday" based off of the idea of selling expensive shit to couples, monopolizing on idea of romantic love. Single folks feel left out and, usually, angry, tending to have negative perceptions of love and valentines day all together. My personal life is convoluted and difficult to explain (so I shant) and when it comes to relationships, I tend to be hopelessly romantic and/or alone. I not very lucky with girls, usually. But I feel that the single people, those without a romantic special someone in their lives, actually get to benefit the most from this holiday. Valentines day is about celebrating love. Eternal and unconstitutional love. We are all lucky to have someone in our lives that loves us, and on this day, on this celebration of love, we should be celebrating love with those people. The constants in our lives that love us eternally. So, on this day, go hug a stranger. Call your parents or your brothers or sisters, and spend it with your friends, and let them know that you love them. We are all seeking love, one way or another, and giving a part of our hearts to anybody is a beautiful thing to cherish and hold every day of our lives. Lets start one day at a time.

All my love, and enjoy the show. 

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